Saturday, January 21, 2006

Roasted Things

A while ago, on my blog, I promised to post a little something on my experiment with roasting pumpkin seeds. Despite my fond memories of the pumpkin seeds Mom used to roast when we'd carve our pumpkins, I'd never tried to do it myself.

This year, however, Carissa and I split a farm share, and in one of the boxes of produce there was a pumpkin--which became mine when we split the box. I had a great time carving it on Halloween, and of course I had to roast the seeds. But how?

A quick Google search revealed two popular techniques. The first was simple: you wash the seeds, coat them with butter or oil and spices, and roast away. The second added a step: you boil them in a brine before cooking and roasting, which makes them crunchier. I'm a big fan of both crunchiness and complication, so I chose the latter. I based the technique on this recipe, but coated the seeds with butter, worstershire sauce, and pepper. The results made me wish I'd had a bigger pumpkin.

Today I'm roasting something entirely different: green soybeans. I tried edamame for the first time only a few weeks ago, at Blue C Sushi, a Kaiten-zushi bar (a Japanese version of fast food, a.k.a. "Sushi-go-round"--the sushi comes around on a conveyor belt). The edamame was served cold in a thickish red spicy sauce with garlic, and I loved it. I'd hoped to find a recipe for that sort of preparation, but I didn't see anything even remotely similar online.

Fortunately, though, I did find a recipe for spicy roasted edamame. I just took the dish out of the oven and had my first taste, and I'm happy to report it's quite satisfying in a different kind of way. I roasted the soybeans for a little less time than the recipe recommends; the texture reminds me of nicely roasted new potatoes, and they're spicy.

Have any of you tried edamame? I hear you can use it as a replacement for lima beans, which may or may not constitute a recommendation...

